

By The Old House Web

Wild Trillium, in Maine. Photo: Ken Holmes

Wildflowers, once covering the entire country, are now scarce. Because plants are thriving in one location, it seems difficult to believe that they are not common everywhere.

In actuality, most varieties are becoming scarce in the vicinity of larger towns and cities because their habitats are being destroyed by society.

Due to the specific growth requirements necessary for native plants, a change in their habitat has a direct affect on their survival. For this reason, wildflowers will often die when they are transplanted into a different environment. Other changes in environment, caused by weed killers and cultivation practices along highways and roadsides, destroy the native plants along with the weeds.

Too much picking of flowers causes plants to become scarce, preventing them from forming seeds and cutting down on the number of new plants coming up the following year. The wildflower's beauty can be achieved through growth by seed or propagation by division, rather than by collection from their native habitat.

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