
Peach Borers

By The Old House Web
Peach borer injury usually shows up as a sap oozing from the tree, or an amber-like bubble (hardened sap) on the trunk or crotches. The hardened sap will cover an insect hole that may be filled with frass or a sawdust matter. The bark will feel loose in the area around the injury. Tunnels will be present beneath the bark when it is peeled back or whittled away.

The Peach Tree Borer is white and about an inch long. It works on the tree close to the ground. Adult moths appear in July and August, lay eggs and damage occurs soon thereafter as eggs hatch into larva.

The Lesser Peach Tree Borer is similar to the peach tree borer except damage occur on the upper trunk and limbs. Moths appear in spring, lay eggs on the bark, and larva hatch and tunnel in.

For control measures, refer to the latest Home Fruit Pest Control schedules of the University of Illinois.

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