
Radiant Heating: Toasty Tootsies

Reviewed by:
Rosemary Thornton
Reduce your heating bills by staying warm in smaller areas rather than heating a whole house. RugBuddy is a radiant heating pad (think electric blanket) that lays hidden under your area rug and makes it a toasty turf for your timorous tootsies.

Ideal for warming up the cold spots in your home, the 5' by 7' RugBuddy generates 1,262 BTUs and uses 370 watts. It's waterproof and ground fault protected. According to the manufacturer, it uses less electricity than four light bulbs. Installation is simple. Lay it under your rug and plug in the power cord.

  • A 5' by 7' Rug Buddy costs $329 (December 2005).
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